A User Led Organisation ("ULO"), Aerobility is run largely by disabled aviators, for disabled people. Through various fundraising initiatives and careful management strategies we allow disabled people to fly for a fraction of the commercial rate.
Aerobility also provides advice, knowledge and advocacy for disabled people who wish to fly, and is the representative body for disabled aviation within the UK.
Our funding and ambitions Despite our professional appearance, and the astonishing outcomes that we produce, we are critically short of funding. We rely on donations, in cash and kind. These come from a small number of commercial organisations and charitable trusts, together with one-off and regular donations from supporters, and the annual Aviators Ball fundraiser.
We do so much more, with so much less - literally stretching every penny into the sky for our charity - but find that demand always outstrips what we can supply.
Constantly looking to further improve what we offer, it is our ambition to grow into a better, as well as bigger organisation - and we need the funds to make it possible.