Grampian Flyers Wheelchair Basketball team are based in Aberdeen. Training every Monday 5.30pm -7pm at the Beach Leisure Centre. Open to all ages.
Following a four week taster block at the tail end of 2012, the Grampian Flyers Basketball Club created a wheelchair team for the North East of Scotland.
Training every week, the team has grown in both numbers and skill level. The team now has 9 registered players with an ever increasing membership, and with players coming from as far as Arbroath to train the squad is looking stronger than ever.
The Flyers are now looking forward to competitions later in the year with other teams from around Scotland.
The Flyers have secured a number of partners all focused on helping the team their preparation. Scottish Disability Sport are supporting through their disability sport hub partnership with sportscotland. Sport Aberdeen support the club by providing facilities for reduced rates and storage for equipment.