Trained expert in Action Potential Simulation (APS) Therapy. APS Therapy is a revolutionary micro current treatment for pain relief. APS Therapy is in many ways different from other therapies due to the following features:
- Easy applicable
- Fully safe
- Pain free
- Affordable
You can use APS Therapy for:
- Pain relief
- Increase of energy
- Quicker healing
Brendan is also a fully ARNI trained pherapist. The ARNI Approach is an exciting development in the field of stroke rehabilitation, that has an international reputation for serious results.
The ARNI institue are a registered charity with 100% volunteers formed in response to the demand throughout the UK from stroke survivors, who state that they are ‘stuck in limbo’ after therapy comes to an end. Brendan teaches the ARNI functional ‘retraining’ strategies and will support you to take charge of your own recovery via proven principles.
Stroke survivors want to be more independent but usually need help to do so. The aim is to take you from the stage where an NHS therapist becomes unavailable, to the stage where you can go on to make the activities of your daily life part of the ‘retraining’ you do to help yourself.
After turning off from Birch Street its immediately on the right, 5th house along.